Serving you in HD27 has been the best job of my life. I want to continue to serve you. Thank you for trusting me to continue to serve the people of HD27.
Support Brianna’s Re-Election
The new election cycle is from December 1, 2023 thru November 30, 2024. Reminder that it is prohibited for registered lobbyists to make campaign contributions during the regular legislative session Jan 11-May 10. No contributions can be made from lobbyists during legislative sessions.
If you find yourself donating the maximum of $450 to my campaign, you can also support me through my Leadership Fund (Brianna Titone’s 439 Fund). I can use this fund to help other candidates succeed.
Donations may be mailed to: Brianna For Colorado, PO Box 18015 Golden, CO 80402
You can also GET INVOLVED in the campaign!
Thank you!